Journey to Altena

Approach by car

Altena is a municipality in North Rhine-Westphalia. It is located in the Sauerland region of the Mark Brandenburg, east of the Ruhrgebiet. By car or coach, the fastest way to reach Altena is either via the A45 or the A46. On the A45, take the Lüdenscheid-Nord exit and follow the signs to Altena. If you come via the A46, leave the highway at the exit Iserlohn-Oestrich and drive through Nachrodt on the B234 always parallel to Lenne to Altena.

Arrival by train

The train station Altena (Westf.) is served daily every 30 minutes by the Ruhr-Sieg-Express RE16 and the Ruhr-Sieg-Bahn RB91.

For interregional travel, use the Deutsche Bahn timetable information.

From the station, the walk to the city center takes 10 minutes and is signposted. Buses run on the opposite side of Bahnhofstraße towards Markaner ZOB (pedestrian zone access) and lines 38 and 37 continue along Lenneuferstraße towards the Drahtmuseum.

Arrival in Altena

Attention from Hagen: The train will be split in Letmathe. Make sure you are in the part that goes to Siegen via Altena. Otherwise the train will go to Iserlohn.

Departure from Altena

Trains heading to Hagen depart from Altena station from 5:18 am (Sun. 6:18 am) until 11:23 pm.

Trains in the direction of Siegen leave Altena from 6:40 a.m. until 11:40 p.m. Monday to Friday from 6:05. Saturday and Sunday there is still a train at 00:51.