The town of Meinerzhagen has about 21,000 inhabitants, is located at the foot of the Ebbegebirge and is embedded in the mountains and forests of the Märkisches Sauerland. You can hike around the Fürwigge-, Genkel- and Listertalsperre. More than 300 km of marked trails invite you to extended hikes. In Schallershaus lies the entrance to the 250 km long long-distance hiking trail "Sauerland-Höhenflug" to Korbach in Hessen. A cultural monument such as the bone mill or the Wasserschloss Badinghagen offer to dive a little bit into history. Worthwhile is a visit to the Volmequelle (the Volme has a length of 48 km, it flows into the Ruhr at Hagen-Vorhalle). Carved signs along the Fritz-Paulmann-Weg show visitors the way. Also worth seeing is the iron curtain on the stage of the town hall "Inti Huatana" / Resting Place of the Sun, by Antonio Máro, and is considered the largest oil painting of the 20th century (18 x 6m