Steine und Mehr

Stonee and more

Steine und Mehr Logo

The 114-kilometer Steine und Mehr bike route was realized as a joint project of the municipalities of Geseke, Anröchte and Warstein. At a total of 33 stations, visitors can learn exciting stories about limestone. There is no shortage of places of interest: for example, you can stand right on the edge of quarries that are still active, find art objects in parts that are no longer active, or catch a glimpse of a renaturalized quarrying area where nature has free rein while man remains locked out. Follow the 114-kilometer main route or gradually discover the three sub-routes.

"Steine und Mehr" is a project of the Südwestfalen Regionale 2013 , supported by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund and the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Energy, Industry, SMEs and Crafts of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Tour planning