Brilon farm store

Farm store / direct marketer

Radeln nach Zahlen / Outdooractive POI / Brilon farm store

Quality and freshness - good directly from the farm


Brilon farm store

Ammertenbühl 1

59929 Brilon

Telefon: 02961-3435

Fax: 02961-54204



Quality and freshness are our top priority. Individual and expert advice are just as natural as the associated information about origin, quality, storage and use of our goods.

Please inform yourself on our homepage or visit our store and convince yourself of our quality.

Products: Eggs, potatoes, homemade sausages, ham, pasta, honey, jam, wine, juices, poultry, muesli, asparagus, goat cheese, herbal tea, decorative items, sheepskins, soups and stews.

Opening hours days

Mon. and Wed. 8.00 - 18.00, Tue., Thu., Fri. 13.00 - 19.00, Sat. 8-14.00

Main opening times:

Sunday opened
Monday opened
Tuesday opened
Wednesday opened
Thursday opened
Friday opened
Saturday opened


Freier Eintritt: 0 €