Chapel of St. Agatha & St. Gertrudis


Radeln nach Zahlen / Outdooractive POI / Chapel of St. Agatha & St. Gertrudis

Chapel of St. Agatha and St. Gertrudis at the Latrop Street / Chapel Street in Oberfleckenberg


Chapel of St. Agatha & St. Gertrudis

Latroper Straße

57392 Schmallenberg-Fleckenberg

Telefon: +49 (0) 2972-5778



The St. Agatha and St. Gertrudis Chapel in Fleckenberg is the oldest building in the village, still largely preserved in its original state. Not least because of its painting and the preserved furnishings, it was entered in the list of monuments of the town of Schmallenberg on December 10, 1992. Probably already in the year 1665 some farmers of Oberfleckenberg began with the construction of this church, which was solemnly consecrated on October 10, 1666.

Main opening times:

Day From Until
Sunday 10:00 18:00
Monday 10:00 18:00
Tuesday 10:00 18:00
Wednesday 10:00 18:00
Thursday 10:00 18:00
Friday 10:00 18:00
Saturday 10:00 18:00

Business hours

Es bestehen keine festen Öffnungszeiten.


Freier Eintritt: 0 €


Public Transit

In Fleckenberg verkehren die Buslinien SB9, 466, sowie der Wanderbus des Schmallenberger Sauerlandes (gesonderten Fahrplan beachten).


Mit der Schmallenberger Sauerland Card nutze Sie den ÖPNV in der Region kostenlos, den Wanderbus mit einer geringen Zuzahlung.

Getting there

Der Ort Fleckenberg liegt an der B236. Biegen Sie an der Kreuzung Richtung Latrop ab.


Free parking is available at the Schützenhalle, Latroper Straße 22, about 300 meters away.