Hiking portal Fleckenberg Böhre

Parking lot

Radeln nach Zahlen / Outdooractive POI / Hiking portal Fleckenberg Böhre

Hiking portal with hiking board, seating and parking.

Blick Richtung Schmallenberg am Wanderparkplatz "Auf der Böhre"


Hiking portal Fleckenberg Böhre

Auf der Böhre

57329 Schmallenberg - Fleckenberg



This parking lot for hikers is located at the residential area "Böhre" between Fleckenberg and Jagdhaus on the right side. Starting point for wonderful hikes to Jagdhaus, Fleckenberg, Lenne or through the Uentroptal.

The site belongs to the Nature Park Sauerland Rothaargebirge e.V. and is maintained and cared for by them. Should you nevertheless notice soiling or damage, we ask you to inform us via mail to info@npsr.de.

Main opening times:

We are open all day everyday.


Es werden keine Parkgebühren erhoben.


Getting there

Zu erreichen über die Jagdhauser Straße - Abzweig Böhre. Koordinaten für das Navigationssystem (WGS 84): GPS: N 51° 7' 31.7388 E 8° 15' 18.8676UTM: 32U 447881.93 5664042.96.


Limited parking is available at the hiking portal.