Homertturm (539 m altitude)

Observation tower

Radeln nach Zahlen / Outdooractive POI / Homertturm (539 m altitude)

The Homertturm is located on the 539 meter high Homert mountain in the south of the Lüdenscheid city area. At a height of 22 meters, the tower offers a wonderful view over the surrounding area.



Homertturm (539 m altitude)

Werkshagener Straße

58515 Lüdenscheid



Directions to the Homertturm hikers' parking lot: From the town center, drive in the direction of Versetalsperre-Herscheid and at the Piepersloh traffic circle (just before the Lüdenscheid-Süd BAB junction) turn right to Homert-Meinerzhagen.

Sundays from 11:00 - 18:00 the refuge is open.