Kneipp treading pool on the Lahn

Treading water

Radeln nach Zahlen / Outdooractive POI / Kneipp treading pool on the Lahn
The liquid element boosts the human body's self-healing powers and helps to strengthen the immune system in the long term.

Kneipp Tretbecken Bad Laasphe

Tretbecken Lahnterrasse, Bad Laasphe


Kneipp treading pool on the Lahn


57334 Bad Laasphe

Telefon: 02752-898



Health is a person's most valuable asset. However, we often only realize this when we are already ill. This makes it all the more important - especially in today's world, where stress levels in everyday life are constantly on the rise - to take an active and sustainable approach to your own well-being. Do something for your health and come to Bad Laasphe!

If you are already suffering from health problems or would like to take appropriate measures to prevent illness, you will find the ideal conditions for this in our town.

According to Sebastian Kneipp's holistic health concept, there is an undeniable interaction between physical well-being and mental stability. Therefore, in addition to physical fitness, every individual should also keep an eye on their mental balance.

As early as the beginning of the 20th century, many guests were drawn to Laasphe because of the mild low mountain climate and the beautiful landscape. In 1904, the town was added to the list of climatic health resorts. Laasphe became a Kneipp health resort in 1960 and a Kneipp spa in 1984.

Among other things, there are two treading pools in our town, the use of which has a beneficial effect on the entire physical condition. According to the teachings of Sebastian Kneipp, the human circulation is specifically stimulated by the specific movements in the water. Regular practice of these exercises significantly strengthens the immune system.

One of the treading pools in Bad Laasphe is located directly on the Lahn. The gentle sound of the river has an additional positive effect.

Main opening times:

We are open all day everyday.

Business hours

Das Tretbecken ist in den Sommermonaten jederzeit frei zugänglich. Das Einfüllen sowie Ablassen des Wassers im Frühling und Herbst ist abhängig von der Witterung.


Der Zugang zum Tretbecken ist kostenfrei.


Public Transit

Die Anreise mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln ist problemlos möglich. Nähere Informationen zu Verbindungen finden Sie unter

Getting there

Der Zugang zum Tretbecken ist durch ein kleines Holzschild ersichtlich. Der Weg, ein kleiner Trampelpfad führt kurz nach Abbiegen in den Gennernbach rechts vor einer Brücke bis zum Tretbecken.


Parking spaces are available in the adjacent side streets.