Lauschpohl No. 6 / Cross Mountain Chapel Wormbach

Info point

Radeln nach Zahlen / Outdooractive POI / Lauschpohl No. 6 / Cross Mountain Chapel Wormbach

The chapel on the Kreuzberg is a place shrouded in legend. Some theories claim that the seasons were already observed here in Germanic times. The story of this eavesdropper tells of this. In any case, plan enough time for a detailed look in all directions.

Abstecher zur Kapelle auf dem Kreuzberg mit Lauschpohl


Lauschpohl No. 6 / Cross Mountain Chapel Wormbach

kein Straßenname

57392 Schmallenberg-Wormbach

Telefon: +49 (0) 2971-86971



Every village has exciting stories, legends, myths and anecdotes from the past. To ensure that these are not lost, there are 20 eavesdroppers in the Bauernland who make these stories audible. If you want to listen to the history of the place, a little "manual work" is required, and this is how it works:

  • Turn the crank on the side of the audio station until the green LED on the front lights up continuously.

  • Press the start button on the story.

  • When the LED starts to flash orange, keep turning the crank.

  • Listen and enjoy, let your eyes wander and let the past come alive.

Main opening times:

We are open all day everyday.


Freier Eintritt: 0 €


Getting there

Der Lauschpohl ist nicht mit dem Auto erreichbar. Nutzen Sie die Parkmöglichkeiten in Wormbach oder am Flugplatz Rennefeld.