Protestant St. Martin's Church Feudingen


Radeln nach Zahlen / Outdooractive POI / Protestant St. Martin's Church Feudingen
Three-aisled vaulted hall church from the 13th century.


Protestant St. Martin's Church Feudingen

An der Kirche

57334 Bad Laasphe Feudingen



Construction of the current church began in 1218 and lasted 25 years. The late Romanesque three-aisled church is the oldest surviving building in the village and was originally dedicated to St. Martin of Tours. There are ornaments in the front vaults dating back to around 1250 and old frescoes (around 1450) in the choir. Also of interest is a plaque from 1714, which tells of a long-standing dispute over seating in the church.
Feudingen is also home to the church records that go back the furthest in Westfalen: the records of the death register begin as early as 1523.

Business hours

Die Kirche kann natürlich auf Wunsch nach Absprache besichtigt werden. Bitte im Gemeindebüro nachfragen (An der Kirche 12, 57334 Feudingen, 02754-1303)  Öffnungszeiten : dienstags, freitags 9 bis 11 Uhr  donnerstags 14 bis 18 Uhr 




Public Transit

Die Anreise nach Feudingen kann problemlos mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln erfolgen. Nähere Informationen zu den Verbindungen finden Sie unter


Getting there

Die Anfahrt erfolgt nach Feudingen Ortsmitte, Zur Kirche.


There are plenty of free parking spaces available.