Showpiece in the golden village: Heimathaus Diedenshausen


Radeln nach Zahlen / Outdooractive POI / Showpiece in the golden village: Heimathaus Diedenshausen

As the only federal gold village in the Siegen-Wittgenstein district, Diedenshausen is home to a special gem: an old Heimathaus.


Showpiece in the golden village: Heimathaus Diedenshausen

Johannes-Althusius-Straße 6

57319 Bad Berleburg

Telefon: +49 2750 791



The local craft tradition is the theme on the first floor, where visitors can see a working loom and a shoemaker's workshop. The local archive and library are also located here. On the upper floor, the history of watchmaking in Diedenshausen since 1770 can be traced. In addition, the local history association puts on three to four changing exhibitions on craft, cultural and historical themes every year.

The memorial commemorating a great son of the village is outstanding:

Johannes Althusius (1562-1638), who came from a farming family,

was a constitutional lawyer. With his main work, the "Politica", he is regarded as the most important

political theorist of Calvinism and is regarded as the greatest federalist

theorist of the 16th and 17th centuries. The history of the village and the development of the townscape are so complex that the local history association also offers guided tours focusing on specific areas of interest.

Business hours

Es finden zur Zeit keine Führungen statt.



Während der Öffnungszeiten besteht die Möglichkeit zur Einkehr in die Kaffeestube der "Diedenshäuser Landfrauen" (ehemalige Gastwirtschaft Hanses).

Nach Absprache (Joachim Dienst sowie Klaus Homrighausen +49 2750 310) können Sie eine kostenlose Führung durch Diedenshausen erleben. 

Mehr Informationen unter Heimatverein Diedenshausen

Abgerundet wird der Besuch im Heimathaus mit einer Wanderung auf dem Rotmilanhöhenweg oder einem seiner Zuwege.


Getting there

Fahren Sie von Bad Berleburg oder Wunderthausen über die L 717 nach Diedenshausen Ortsmitte.




free of charge