Treading pool in the Hagen

Water treading

Radeln nach Zahlen / Outdooractive POI / Treading pool in the Hagen


Treading pool in the Hagen


57392 Schmallenberg - Fleckenberg

Treading pool in the Hagen in Oberfleckenberg.

Main opening times:

Day From Until
Sunday 07:00 22:00
Monday 07:00 22:00
Tuesday 07:00 22:00
Wednesday 07:00 22:00
Thursday 07:00 22:00
Friday 07:00 22:00
Saturday 07:00 22:00


Getting there

Nutzen Sie die Parkmöglichkeiten an der Schützenhalle in der Latroper Straße.


Parking is available at the Schützenhalle, Latroper Straße 22 b. Through the Rothswiese park you can reach the pedal pool in just a few minutes on foot.