Winterberg climbing forest

High ropes course

Radeln nach Zahlen / Outdooractive POI / Winterberg climbing forest
Adventures at dizzying heights in the Winterberg climbing forest


Winterberg climbing forest

Am Waltenberg 115

59955 Winterberg

Telefon: +49 2981 9296433


Open for you: April - October
The Winterberg climbing forest is the place to be. There are five different courses with different levels of difficulty to overcome the individual obstacles. After a briefing, climbers are completely independent in the treetops thanks to the modern safety system. Hanging, climbing and fun elements as well as many ropeways at heights of up to 12 meters provide plenty of thrills.
The Winterberg climbing forest is all about the fun of exercise. With 5 different courses at different heights and with a variety of obstacles at different levels of difficulty, it is not necessary to be well-trained or experienced. The focus is on having fun. And with the children's course, even the little ones will find something to try out.
Under the guidance of the guides, everyone familiarizes themselves with the safety system on the training course. Afterwards, they can embark on the climbing adventure up to 12 meters high completely independently. The double belay system means that the carabiners can only be released at certain checkpoints, so that it is not possible to release both carabiners within the course. The climbing professionals are always close by to help if there is a problem in the air.
The different courses allow climbers to slowly approach the more difficult obstacles. After each section, you return to the ground. If someone wants to skip a course, that's no problem, as they are welcome to repeat one of the previous runs. Children aged 11 and over can explore the climbing forest on their own. Younger children need to be accompanied by an adult. From the age of 8, children can go up into the treetops together with their companion.

Business hours

April bis Oktober 2023: Während der Ferien und an Feiertagen ist täglich geöffnet. Außerhalb der Ferien ist freitags bis sonntags geöffnet. Für Gruppen ab 10 Personen und Schulklassen mit vorheriger Reservierung wird mittwochs bis sonntags geöffnet. Die Aufenthaltsdauer ist auf 3,5 Stunden begrenzt. 09:30 - 19.00 Uhr ACHTUNG: Letzte Einweisung : 16.00 UhrNovember 2022 – März 2023: Winterpause Weitere Informationen Bis einschließlich 10 Jahre nur in Begleitung eines Erwachsenen. 1 Erwachsener darf max. 1 Kind beaufsichtigen. Die Aufenthaltsdauer ist auf 3,5 Std. begrenzt.


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