Journey to Lippetal

By car to Lippetal

A2 (Berlin - Ruhrgebiet) is connected at the exit Hamm-Uentrop in Lippetal
connected by L 822 and B 475 with A44 (Dortmund - Kassel).

How to find Lippetal

A2 from direction Hannover:
BAB exit Oelde (No. 21), direction Diestedde, Lippetal-Herzfeld L793
BAB exit Uentrop/Lippetal (No. 19), direction Soest, Lippetal-Lippborg L822

A2 from direction Dortmund:
BAB exit Uentrop/Lippetal (No. 19), direction Soest, Lippetal-Lippborg L822

A44 from Soest:
BAB exit Soest-Ost (No. 57) via the B475 in the direction of Beckum, Lippetal-Oestinghausen

B55 from Lippstadt:
Direction Eickelborn, Lippetal-Schoneberg / Lippetal-Hovestadt L636

By train to Lippetal