Journey to Lüdenscheid

Arrival by car to Lüdenscheid

via navigation system or Google Maps: Lüdenscheid

Arrival by bus and train to Lüdenscheid

Since December 2017, Lüdenscheid station is served by 2 different train lines. The trains of the line RB 52 from Dortmund and Hagen reach Lüdenscheid every hour. New: The trains of the line RB 25 from Cologne, Gummersbach and Meinerzhagen reach Lüdenscheid every two hours.

Travel information of the Deutsche Bahn ["].

For the journey in a larger group we present two possibilities to find the most favorable ticket variant for you. There are links that present a group ticket or lead you directly to an input mask for your travel wishes.

WestfalenTarif ["]
Sparpreisfinder of the Deutsche Bahn ["]