Wild sheep: European mouflon


Radeln nach Zahlen / Outdooractive POI / Wild sheep: European mouflon

  • Scientific name: Ovis ammon musimon (comment: the information is always different -> ask experts)

  • Habitat: Forests in the lowlands and low mountain ranges


Wild sheep: European mouflon

Marktplatz 1a

57319 Bad Berleburg

Telefon: 02751 93 63 3




The short muzzle is their trademark, hunters call them "moufflons". This is why we also refer to European wild sheep as mouflons. Mouflons are the wild ancestors of our domestic sheep, only slightly smaller. The males have a so-called saddle patch on their backs, which extends to both sides of the body, and spiral horns. During the rutting season, when the rams vie for the favor of the sheep, they like to let it rip by banging their horns against each other. Even small lambs practice these fights by playing with rocks or tree trunks.

The herd animals are generally very agile and are excellent at climbing and jumping. The pure herbivores have a good eye and a fine nose so that they can smell their enemies at a distance of 300 meters. In case of danger, they emit a sharp whistle as a warning, otherwise they like to bleat and bleat like other sheep. Their life expectancy is up to 15 years. Around 8,000 mouflons live in Germany.


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